The King’s Daughter and the Ghost Judge

In the second year of the Dali period, Magistrate Li Zuoshi of Shanyin fell ill with a serious illness. After several days, his condition improved slightly, and he traveled from Kuaiji to Longqiu. His cousin, Magistrate Li Shu, was serving as the county magistrate in Longqiu, and he invited Li Zuoshi to stay at the county office for a few days.

One night, Li Zuoshi was talking with his guest, Li Ju, by candlelight when suddenly twenty or so men dressed in red robes and carrying weapons appeared in the corridor. 

The Ghostly Encounter

In the Langya region, there was a man named Qin Juebu who was already sixty years old. One day, he was walking home at night after drinking. He passed by the Fengshan Temple when he saw his two grandsons coming to meet him. They supported him for over a hundred paces, suddenly grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground.

“You old slave, you beat me once, and now I’m going to kill you!” 

The Dog Who Could Fly

Wei Shanjun was a man from Duling in the capital district of Jingzhao. He traveled all over the country in search of the Dao, visiting all the famous mountains. He met a deity who gave him a letter of summons from the Three Sovereigns, granting him the Daoist arts of transformation.

Wei Shanjun sometimes lived quietly in the wilds of the mountains, and sometimes he would get drunk and sleep on the road. 

The Forbidden Treasure

In the summer, a heavy storm flooded the toilet of Lu Yanxu, the warehouse keeper of Xuzhou. The water soon drained away, and Lu Yanxu invited his neighbors to come and see. They saw a grave pit below, with a large coffin in the middle. Inside the coffin lay a woman in her twenties. She was white and clean, with fingernails that were five or six inches long. She had more than ten gold hairpins in her hair. 

The Story of Amoghavajra

During the Tang Dynasty, there was a Buddhist monk named Amoghavajra(不空). He was appointed as the head of the monastery and was able to control the hundred gods. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang treated him with respect.

One year, there was a drought. Emperor Xuanzong ordered Amoghavajra to pray for rain. Amoghavajra said that he would need to wait until the next day to pray, otherwise the rain would be too heavy and violent. 

The Scholar in A Goose Cage

In the mystical Eastern Jin Dynasty, a chance encounter with a footsore scholar leads Xu Yan into a bizarre realm of wonders. As gratitude, the scholar hosts a feast like no other, spewing forth a bronze tray filled with tantalizing delicacies. Yet, the strangeness doesn't end there—geese, mysterious guests, and a peculiar screen unfold in this extraordinary tale of a feast that defies reality and leaves Xu Yan questioning the limits of the ordinary.

The Kind Orphan and the Magical Snail

Xie Duan was a man from Houguan County, Fujian Province, in the Jin Dynasty. He was orphaned at a young age and had no relatives, so he was raised by his neighbors. When he was 17 or 18 years old, he was a respectful and careful person who avoided doing anything illegal. He began to live on his own.

The villagers pitied and cared about Xie Duan, and they discussed together how to find him a wife, but they were unsuccessful. 

The Accidental Rainmaker

In the heart of Yingyang village, there lived an unknown man named Anonymous. One day, he was drunk and walking home. When he reached the Shrine of the Young Woman, he couldn’t walk anymore. He tied up his horse and fell asleep at the door of the shrine.

After sleeping for a long time, he seemed to wake up. He wanted to get up and walk, but only his head could move and his body wouldn’t get up. 

The Chang of the Tiger

He saw a little ghost, shaped like a seven or eight year old boy, without clothes.

Towards the end of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, Yuzhou experienced numerous cases of tigers attacking people. Despite setting up traps with mechanisms, none proved successful in catching a tiger.

One moonlit night, a man climbed a tree and patiently waited. He spotted a small ghost resembling a seven or eight-year-old boy, unclothed, strolling nearby. The boy wore turquoise-colored top and bottom clothes. 

Enchanting Serenade of Moonlit Trysts

In the ancient city of Kuaiji, Zhao Wenshao, a court attendant in the Eastern Palace, found himself enchanted by the melancholic moonlit nights. Seated on Qingxi Bridge, merely a stone’s throw away from the residence of the esteemed Wang Shuqing, his heart yearned for home.

On one autumn night, Wenshao, immersed in his homesickness, began to sing the sorrowful melody “Black Crows Soar in the Western Night.” The haunting tunes echoed through the stillness of the night, reaching the ears of an unexpected audience. 

Healing the Ghostly Affliction

In the vicinity of Qiantang, there resided a skilled healer named Xu Qiufu, known for his expertise in treating ailments. His abode was situated east of the Hugou Bridge, overlooking the serene waters of West Lake. One night, Qiufu heard a plaintive moaning in the air, the sound laden with intense suffering. Intrigued, he rose and followed the sound to its origin.

Addressing the ethereal presence, Qiufu inquired, “Are you a malevolent spirit? 

Mystical Whirl of Prosperity

In the eastern outskirts, thirty miles from the ancient Wuxing County, lies the enchanting Meixi Mountain. At the base of this mountain stands a singular stone, rising vertically, reaching a height of over a hundred feet. It possesses a natural elegance, appearing as a perfectly rounded structure akin to the size of two houses. It stands alone, soaring into the clouds above, presenting an insurmountable barrier to ascent. Perched atop this majestic stone is another, resembling a circular millstone, ceaselessly revolving with a sound reminiscent of wind and rain.