
In the mountains, there is a bird that looks like an owl. It has a human face, four eyes, and ears. Its name is 顒(Yu). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name. Whenever it appears, there will be a drought in the world.
《山海經 南次三經》

There is a bird that looks like a hawk, but it has human hands. Its voice sounds like the buzzing of a fly. Its name is 鴸(Zhu). It calls out, as if it is calling its own name. Wherever this bird appears, many people in that county will be exiled.
《山海經 南次二經》

In the mountains, there is a mythical creature that looks like a water bird. It has a white head, three legs, and a human face. Its name is 瞿如(Quru). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name.
《山海經 南次三經》

蠪蛭(Longzhi) lives in the mountains. It has a body similar to a fox, with nine tails, nine heads, and tiger claws. Its cry sounds like a baby crying, and it can eat people.
《山海經 東次二經》

𝕏𝕚𝕖 [犭颉]Xie: Its appearance is like that of a hunting dog with scales, and its fur is like a pig’s mane.
《山海經 中次四經》

In the country of Lin(林氏國), there lived a rare beast. It was as big as a tiger, with a colorful body and a tail longer than its body. The beast was named Zouwu(騶虞), and riding it could allow one to travel a thousand miles in a day.
《山海經 海內北經》

[向鳥][付鳥](Changfu) is a bird that lives in the mountains. It looks like a chicken, but it has three heads, six eyes, six legs, and three wings. If a person eats its meat, they will no longer want to sleep.
「又東三百裏,曰基山,其陽多玉,其陰多怪木。有獸焉,其狀如羊,九尾四耳,其目在背,其名曰猼,佩之不畏。有鳥焉,其狀如雞而三首、六目、六足、三翼,其名曰[向鳥(左右)][付鳥(左右)],食之無臥。」 ~
《山海經 南山一經》
The Immortal Child Brings Rain
A severe drought occurred in Guangdong, and Governor-General Sun Gong(孫公) prayed to the gods for rain, but it was ineffective. At that time, while he was inspecting Chaozhou, he saw over a thousand people gathered on a hill ahead. He sent someone to inquire, and the answer he received was, “Watching the immortal child.”
Previously, in Chaozhou, there was a villager surnamed Sun. His twelve-year-old son, along with a group of village boys, was playing on the hill.
BiAn/狴犴: Chinese Ancient Mythical Legal Guardian Beast
The Thunder God is Defiled
Shen Yutan(沈雨潭) also said, on a day in the twenty-seventh year of Qianlong, thunder and lightning raged, and thunderbolts spun over the Huai’an(淮安) Orphanage. It was about to strike an old woman in the courtyard. At that time, this old woman was urinating. Suddenly, a loud thunder directly struck above her head. The old woman panicked, immediately lifted the chamber pot, and threw it in the direction of the thunder. Afterwards, a golden-armored Thunder God circled around the roof for a few rounds and then landed on the ground.