GuDiao/蠱雕: A Man-Eating Eagle

GuDiao/蠱雕: A Man-Eating Eagle

In the water, there is a beast called 蠱雕 (Gu diao). Its shape is like a eagle, and it has a horn on its head. Its sound is like a crying baby, and it eats people.


《山海經 南次二經》


Zhuru(朱獳) is a mythical beast that lives in the mountains. It looks like a fox with fins like a fish. Its cry sounds like it is calling its own name. Wherever it appears in a country, that country will experience something that causes fear.

Zhuru(朱獳) is a mythical beast that lives in the mountains. It looks like a fox with fins like a fish. Its cry sounds like it is calling its own name. Wherever it appears in a country, that country will experience something that causes fear.

《山海經 東次二經》



ShanHui/山[犭軍​]: shaped like a dog with a human face,skilled in throwing objects and laughs when it sees people. It moves as fast as the wind. Whenever it appears, the world will be filled with strong winds.

Shanhui(山[犭軍​]) lives in the mountains. It’s shaped like a dog with a human face,skilled in throwing objects and laughs when it sees people. It moves as fast as the wind. Whenever it appears, the world will be filled with strong winds.

《山海經 北山一經》


Kirin/Qilin/麒麟: Auspicious beast in Chinese mythology

The Kirin in Chinese mythology is not just a mythical beast but a symbol of all that is good and virtuous. Its enduring presence in Chinese culture highlights the deep-rooted appreciation and reverence for mystical creatures that embody positive qualities and the harmony between humanity and the natural world.


Chenhuang(乘黃/飛黃)is a mythical creature in ancient Chinese mythology. According to the Classic of Mountains and Seas(山海經), it looks like a fox, has a horn on its back, and is yellow in color. The person who rides it will live for 2,000 years longer.


A Brotherly Divide and Nature’s Surprise

In the capital, the three brothers of the Tian family in Jingzhao, after deliberating on the division of their wealth, decided to share their resources equally. However, there was a purple catalpa tree in the courtyard, and they planned to each take a portion of it. The next day, when they went to cut it, the tree withered immediately, resembling the appearance of being burned. Terrified, Tian went to inspect it and exclaimed to his brothers, “This tree originally shared the same root.