
In the mountains, there is a bird that looks like an owl. It has a human face, four eyes, and ears. Its name is 顒(Yu). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name. Whenever it appears, there will be a drought in the world.

In the mountains, there is a bird that looks like an owl. It has a human face, four eyes, and ears. Its name is 顒(Yu). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name. Whenever it appears, there will be a drought in the world.


《山海經 南次三經》


Zhu: There is a bird that looks like a hawk, but it has human hands. Its voice sounds like the buzzing of a fly. Its name is 鴸(Zhu). It calls out, as if it is calling its own name. Wherever this bird appears, many people in that county will be exiled.

There is a bird that looks like a hawk, but it has human hands. Its voice sounds like the buzzing of a fly. Its name is 鴸(Zhu). It calls out, as if it is calling its own name. Wherever this bird appears, many people in that county will be exiled.


《山海經 南次二經》


瞿如(Quru: In the mountains, there is a mythical creature that looks like a water bird. It has a white head, three legs, and a human face. Its name is 瞿如(Quru). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name.

In the mountains, there is a mythical creature that looks like a water bird. It has a white head, three legs, and a human face. Its name is 瞿如(Quru). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name.


《山海經 南次三經》


蠪蛭(Longzhi) lives in the mountains. It has a body similar to a fox, with nine tails, nine heads, and tiger claws. Its cry sounds like a baby crying, and it can eat people.

蠪蛭(Longzhi) lives in the mountains. It has a body similar to a fox, with nine tails, nine heads, and tiger claws. Its cry sounds like a baby crying, and it can eat people.


《山海經 東次二經》


ChangFu is a bird that lives in the mountains. It looks like a chicken, but it has three heads, six eyes, six legs, and three wings. If a person eats its meat, they will no longer want to sleep.

[向鳥][付鳥]​(Changfu) is a bird that lives in the mountains. It looks like a chicken, but it has three heads, six eyes, six legs, and three wings. If a person eats its meat, they will no longer want to sleep.

「又東三百裏,曰基山,其陽多玉,其陰多怪木。有獸焉,其狀如羊,九尾四耳,其目在背,其名曰猼,佩之不畏。有鳥焉,其狀如雞而三首、六目、六足、三翼,其名曰[向鳥(左右)][付鳥(左右)]​,食之無臥。」 ~

《山海經 南山一經》

The Spirit of Flowers

A scholar named Xie from Wuyuan(婺源) was studying on Mount Zhanggong(張公山). One morning, he heard the chirping of birds in the woods, resembling the cries of parrots. Upon approaching, he discovered a beautiful woman, about five inches tall, naked and without feathers, her entire body pure white like jade. Between her eyebrows, there was a look of sadness. Xie captured her and brought her home. Surprisingly, the woman showed no sign of fear. 

The Fox Immortal Keeps Accounts

A man named Zhang from Hezhou traveled to Yangzhou(揚州) and stayed at the Xingjiao Temple(興教寺). The monks’ quarters in the temple were haunted by a fox immortal, so no one dared to stay there. Zhang, with his carefree personality, decided to reside in the monk’s room.

Not long after Zhang moved in, an old man claiming to be Wu Gangzi(吳剛子) came to visit. After exchanging greetings with a bow, they began to converse.