LeiShen/雷神: The Deity of Thunder in Chinese Mythology

LeiShen/雷神 - Chinese Mythology: Deily of Thunder

In Chinese mythology, in the Lei Ze(The lake of thunder), there lived a thunder god. This god of thunder had a dragon-like body and a human head. If he slapped his abdomen, he would make a thunderclap.


《山海經 海內東經》

TianMa/天馬: Named Sky Horse But In Fact a Dog

TianMa/SkyHorse天馬 - Chinese Mythology Beast: In Fact a Dog

天馬(Tianma/Sky Horse) is a beast there whose shape is like a white dog with a black head. When it sees a person, it flies away.



GuDiao/蠱雕: A Man-Eating Eagle

GuDiao/蠱雕: A Man-Eating Eagle

In the water, there is a beast called 蠱雕 (Gu diao). Its shape is like a eagle, and it has a horn on its head. Its sound is like a crying baby, and it eats people.


《山海經 南次二經》


Zhuru(朱獳) is a mythical beast that lives in the mountains. It looks like a fox with fins like a fish. Its cry sounds like it is calling its own name. Wherever it appears in a country, that country will experience something that causes fear.

Zhuru(朱獳) is a mythical beast that lives in the mountains. It looks like a fox with fins like a fish. Its cry sounds like it is calling its own name. Wherever it appears in a country, that country will experience something that causes fear.

《山海經 東次二經》
