LeiShen/雷神: The Deity of Thunder in Chinese Mythology

LeiShen/雷神 - Chinese Mythology: Deily of Thunder

In Chinese mythology, in the Lei Ze(The lake of thunder), there lived a thunder god. This god of thunder had a dragon-like body and a human head. If he slapped his abdomen, he would make a thunderclap.


《山海經 海內東經》

TianMa/天馬: Named Sky Horse But In Fact a Dog

TianMa/SkyHorse天馬 - Chinese Mythology Beast: In Fact a Dog

天馬(Tianma/Sky Horse) is a beast there whose shape is like a white dog with a black head. When it sees a person, it flies away.




In the Shanhaijing, there are also some descriptions of mythical creatures that are very realistic, like this one: Feishu is an animal there whose shape is like a rabbit but with a mouse’s head. It flies using its back.




ZhuJian/諸犍 - Chinese Mythtical Beasst

In the mountains, there is a beast Zhujian(諸犍) that resembles a leopard. It has a long tail, a human head, cow ears, and only one eye. It often roars loudly. When it walks, it holds its tail in its mouth. When it sleeps, it curls its tail up.

《山海經 北山一經》


The Ghost Pagoda

《搜山圖》蘇漢臣 南宋

In Hangzhou, there was an elderly man surnamed Qiu who was a cloth merchant. One day, Qiu went to collect debts and returned late. The inn was fully occupied, and ahead lay desolate areas with no place to stay. Qiu discussed with the innkeeper, who said, ‘Old friend, I wonder if you’re brave enough? I have a small building behind the back wall, but it’s been uninhabited for a long time.