General Yang: A Remarkable Encounter During Bi Ziyan’s Tenure as Minister of Revenue
Dragon Birth: A Remarkable Tale of Myth and Miracle
Fengdu Imperial Censor: Exploring the Mysterious Underworld: A Tale of Courage and Enlightenment
Willow Scholar Liu: A Tale of Locusts, Dreams, and Divine Intervention
Cold Moon Lotus Blossom: An Enchanting Tale of Mystery and Magic
The Story of Zhucheng’s Unusual Case: A Bizarre Tale of Laughter, Survival, and Unexpected Consequences
Nianyang: A Tale of Deception and Coincidence
Continuation of the Yellow Millet Dream: The Illusory Pursuit of Power and Wealth

In the mountains, there is a bird that looks like an owl. It has a human face, four eyes, and ears. Its name is 顒(Yu). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name. Whenever it appears, there will be a drought in the world.
《山海經 南次三經》

There is a bird that looks like a hawk, but it has human hands. Its voice sounds like the buzzing of a fly. Its name is 鴸(Zhu). It calls out, as if it is calling its own name. Wherever this bird appears, many people in that county will be exiled.
《山海經 南次二經》

In the mountains, there is a mythical creature that looks like a water bird. It has a white head, three legs, and a human face. Its name is 瞿如(Quru). The sound it makes is like it is calling its own name.
《山海經 南次三經》