Explore the intriguing story of Wei Yunwang and the enigmatic young lady who appeared under twin lanterns on moonlit nights, their affection, and their inevitable parting.
Explore a captivating tale of love, secrets, and revenge, where a young man's life becomes intertwined with a mysterious female warrior, leading to unexpected twists and turns.
Explore the enchanting tale of love, reincarnation, and eternal connections that transcends life and death between a scholar, a fox spirit and a female ghost.
Follow the captivating story of Miss Lu, whose love transcended lifetimes, as she reunites with Zhang Yudan in a tale of love, reincarnation, and second chances.
Follow the story of Zhao and the enigmatic woman from Jinling, their unexpected reunion, and the miraculous medicinal prescriptions that continue to captivate the people of Yishui County.
Experience a hauntingly beautiful love story in 'Lian Suo,' where love transcends death, bringing together a man and a ghostly woman in an unforgettable tale of romance and sacrifice.