Read the intriguing story of Geng Shiba, who, after a mysterious journey to the afterlife, returns to the living with a thirst for water and a newfound distance from his wife.
Experience the intriguing story of a scholar from Fengyang and his wife, where dreams, deception, and a mysterious encounter unfold, leading to a surprising family reunion.
Explore the intriguing world of folklore, where mysterious spells turn donkeys into women and sheep into children, revealing the power of enchantment and transformation.
Read the captivating story of Mr. Zhang, a Shanxi native who seeks revenge against a malevolent water demon after a tragic incident involving his daughter's dowry, and how he becomes revered as a water deity.
Explore the captivating story of Zhang Sheng, who encounters the Sea Lord and a mysterious woman on an uninhabited island, leading to a life-changing encounter with a snake spirit.