The Tasty Visitor

Master Ye Fashan(葉法善) was skilled in talismanic magic. The Emperor honored him several times as a Hongluqing(鴻臚卿), bestowing upon him lavish rewards and special treatment.

Ye Fashan resided in the Xuanzhen Temple(玄真觀), often hosting a dozen or more courtiers who would come to the temple, loosen their belts, and stay without intending to leave. The seats would be occupied, and they’d desire wine to drink.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, claiming to be Qu Xiucai. Ye Fashan sent word to him, ‘There are colleagues from the court here presently; we have no time to converse. I hope you’ll come another day.’

Before he finished speaking, a poor scholar, bold and imposing, strode in. In his twenties, fair and plump, quite handsome, he smiled, saluted everyone, sat at the end, and loudly discussed various matters, referencing ancient and modern sources. The guests were surprised by his eloquence; they considered him quite astute. Only after a long while did he temporarily rise and whirl away like the wind.

Ye Fashan addressed everyone, ‘This person suddenly appeared, eloquent and articulate. Could he not be a demon flaunting his ability to beguile you all? I propose to take out a sword in defense of you all.’

One day, Qu Xiucai returned. Sometimes he clasped his wrist, sometimes clapped his hands, his words sharp and challenging, relentless in his approach. Ye Fashan secretly used a small sword on him, and his head fell off as if responding to Ye Fashan’s hand, landing on the steps and turning into a bottle cap.

The guests, astonished and afraid, looked closely and found it was a bottle of fine wine, and they burst into laughter. They drank the wine, which tasted exquisite.

Inebriated, they caressed the bottle, saying, ‘Qu Sheng(Mr.Qu), Qu Sheng, your flavor is unforgettable.’

Original text in 《開天傳信記》:


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