Follow the captivating story of Miss Lu, whose love transcended lifetimes, as she reunites with Zhang Yudan in a tale of love, reincarnation, and second chances.
Join Wang Shengyu on a moonlit boat trip, where strange encounters with ghosts and legends unfold on an ancient battlefield in the middle of the river.
Explore intriguing stories of unexpected dragon encounters in Chinese folklore, from dragons falling from the sky to mysterious appearances in everyday life.
Read about Jiao Sheng's encounter with two enchanting fox spirits and his steadfast refusal to be swayed by their allure in this intriguing Chinese folklore.
Explore the mesmerizing world of ventriloquism, where performers use oral skills to create the illusion of music and voices, captivating audiences with their artistry.
Read the heartwarming story of Zhang Cheng, a teenager who goes to great lengths to reunite with his family, facing challenges, sacrifice, and unexpected joy along the way.