A Surprising Tale from Yijianzhi: The Mysterious Red Cat

One of the ancient Chinese folklore books, Yijianzhi (《夷坚志》), recounts a fascinating and surprising story about a mysterious red cat. This tale captures the imagination with its blend of mystery, deception, and ingenuity.

The Humble Vendor and His Precious Cat

In the bustling city of Lin’an, a humble vendor named Sun San lived in a small alley with his wife. Every morning, they would prepare freshly cooked meat to sell in the marketplace. 

Tales of Hanming(含明國)

《蓬萊仙境圖》清 袁耀

To the west of Penglai(蓬萊) , there is a country named Hanming, where people use bird feathers as clothes and quench their thirst with dewdrops. They spend their days climbing high places to fetch water, using stairs made of precious materials like gold, silver, and crystal. Here, there are both icy and hot waters, and those who drink them can live up to a thousand years.

The original description in 《拾遺記》 is more fascinating , see image.