Swordswoman: A Tale of Love, Secrecy, and Revenge

Explore a captivating tale of love, secrets, and revenge, where a young man's life becomes intertwined with a mysterious female warrior, leading to unexpected twists and turns.

In Nanjing, Gu Sheng, a talented and versatile person, came from a poor family. Because his mother was elderly and he couldn’t bear to leave her, he had no choice but to write and draw every day to make a little money for a living. Gu Sheng was already twenty-five years old and had not yet married a wife. Across the street, there was originally an empty house, but now an old lady and a young girl were renting it. Because they were all women, no one inquired about their background.

One day, Gu Sheng returned home from outside and happened to see a young girl coming out of the neighboring house, who appeared to be around eighteen or nineteen years old, with a graceful and elegant appearance rarely seen in the world. She didn’t avoid Gu Sheng much when she saw him, but her expression was quite serious. When Gu Sheng entered the house, he asked his mother, and his mother said, “She is the girl from next door who came to borrow scissors and a ruler from me. She just mentioned that she lives with her mother alone. This girl doesn’t seem to be from a poor family. When I asked her why she hasn’t married yet, she cited taking care of her elderly mother as the reason. Tomorrow, you should go and meet her mother, express your intention to propose, and if their wishes are not unreasonable, you can take care of her elderly mother on her behalf.”

The next day, Gu Sheng’s mother went to the girl’s house. Her mother was an elderly lady with hearing impairment, and there was no surplus food in their house. When inquired about their livelihood, they relied solely on the girl’s needlework. Gu’s mother gradually revealed the idea of both families living together, and the old lady seemed to agree. She then discussed it with her daughter, who remained silent and seemed quite unhappy. So Gu’s mother returned home and told her son about the situation, speculating, “Could it be that this girl thinks we are poor? She doesn’t talk to people, doesn’t smile, as beautiful as peaches and plums, yet as cold as ice and frost. She’s truly an unusual person!” Mother and son speculated and sighed, but that was the end of it.

One day, Gu Sheng was sitting in his study when a young man came to buy a painting. He had a handsome appearance and behaved somewhat frivolously. When asked where he was from, he said he was from a neighboring village. He started coming by every two or three days. As they became familiar with each other, they gradually began to playfully tease each other. Gu Sheng affectionately embraced him, and he didn’t resist much, eventually leading to a secret affair. They became very close.

One day, as the young girl passed by, the young man stared at her and asked who she was. Gu Sheng replied, “She’s the neighbor’s daughter.” The young man remarked, “She looks so enchanting, but her demeanor is so solemn, it’s intimidating.” Shortly after, Gu Sheng went into the house, and his mother told him, “Just now, the girl from next door came to ask for rice. She said she hasn’t cooked for more than a day. This girl is very filial and terribly poor. In the future, we should help them as much as we can.” Gu Sheng followed his mother’s wishes, carrying a bucket of rice to the neighbor’s house and conveying his mother’s intentions. The young girl accepted it without saying a word of thanks.

Whenever the young girl visited Gu Sheng’s house, she would proactively help with sewing, and she eagerly took on various household chores, just like a daughter-in-law in the family. Gu Sheng respected her even more. Whenever they had something delicious, they would always share it with the girl’s mother, and the young girl rarely expressed gratitude.

Just when Gu Sheng’s mother developed sores on her lower body, causing unbearable pain, she cried out day and night. The young girl often came to her bedside to visit, washing and applying medicine to her wounds, visiting three or four times a day. Gu Sheng’s mother felt deeply grateful, even though the young girl didn’t mind the dirtiness at all. Gu’s mother sighed and said, “Ah! Where can one find such a good daughter-in-law who would take care of an old woman like me until death!” She finished with a mournful sob.

The young girl comforted her, saying, “Your son is a great filial son, a hundred times better than us, widowed mother and lonely daughter.” Gu’s mother replied, “How can a filial son handle these trivial matters at the bedside? Moreover, I am already old, and death is a matter of sooner or later. The worries about passing on the family line weigh heavily on my heart.”

While they were speaking, Gu Sheng entered the room. Gu’s mother cried and said, “We owe the young lady too much! You must never forget to repay her kindness.” Gu Sheng knelt before the young girl in gratitude. The young girl said, “You honor my mother, I haven’t thanked you, so why should you thank me?” Consequently, Gu Sheng held the young girl in even greater esteem and admiration. However, the young girl was always serious and dignified in her every action, and Gu Sheng dared not offend her in the slightest.

One day, as the young girl was leaving, Gu Sheng watched her eagerly. Suddenly, the young girl turned back and gave Gu Sheng a charming smile. Gu Sheng was delighted and quickly followed her to her home. Gu Sheng used words to tease her, and the young girl didn’t resist much, so they enjoyed each other’s company. Afterward, the young girl cautioned Gu Sheng, saying, “Some things can be done once, but they can’t happen again!” Gu Sheng didn’t say anything and left.

The next day, Gu Sheng tried to arrange another meeting with the young girl, but she had a stern expression, didn’t even look at him, and walked away. The young girl often visited, and sometimes they crossed paths, but she didn’t offer kind words or a friendly demeanor. If Gu Sheng tried to make a joke, she responded with cold and icy remarks. One day, in a secluded place, the young girl asked Gu Sheng, “Who is that young man who frequently visits your home?” Gu Sheng told her. The young girl said, “His behavior has offended me on multiple occasions. I didn’t say anything because of his closeness to you. Please tell him that if he continues as before, he might as well not live!”

In the evening, Gu Sheng relayed the young girl’s words to the young man, and he added, “You must be cautious; she is not to be offended.” The young man asked, “If she is not to be offended, why did you offend her?” Gu Sheng tried to explain, but the young man continued, “If you really didn’t offend her, how did those intimate words reach your ears?” Gu Sheng couldn’t explain. The young man further stated, “Please also convey to her not to pretend to be virtuous, or else I will spread the word everywhere.” Gu Sheng was very angry, and his expression changed, and then the young man left.

One evening, Gu Sheng was sitting alone when suddenly the young girl arrived, smiling and saying, “Our destiny is not yet severed; perhaps it’s fate!” Gu Sheng ecstatically embraced the young girl. Suddenly, they heard a flurry of footsteps, so they stood up in alarm, and it turned out the young man had entered the room. Gu Sheng asked in surprise, “What are you doing here?” The young man smiled and said, “I’ve come to see that chaste maiden.” Then he turned to the young girl and said, “No complaints today, alright?” The young girl, infuriated, raised her eyebrows, blushing in her cheeks. She didn’t utter a word but quickly opened her clothing, revealing a pouch. She pulled out something, which turned out to be a shining dagger about a foot long.

Upon seeing this, the young man was so shocked that he turned and fled. The young girl chased him out of the door, looking around, but there was no sign of him. She threw the dagger into the air, and with a “swish,” it emitted a bright light like a rainbow. Something fell to the ground with a loud noise. Gu Sheng hurriedly used a lamp to illuminate it, and it turned out to be a white fox, decapitated. Gu Sheng was greatly alarmed. The young girl said, “That was your handsome admirer. I had originally forgiven him, but he chose not to live, and there was nothing I could do!” She then put the dagger back into the small pouch.

Gu Sheng tried to pull the young girl into the house, but she said, “The demon just spoiled our mood. Let’s wait until tomorrow night.” With that, she left.

The following evening, as expected, the young girl arrived, and they warmly embraced each other. Gu Sheng inquired about the young girl’s swordsmanship, and she replied, “This is not something you should know. You must keep it a secret, as revealing it could be detrimental to you.” Gu Sheng then brought up the topic of marriage, but the young girl said, “We have already shared a bed and performed household chores like fetching water and cooking. Isn’t that what a wife does? We are already a couple, so why talk about marriage again?” Gu Sheng asked, “Is it because you still think my family is poor?” The young girl replied, “Your family is indeed poor, but does that mean mine is wealthy? Our joyful meeting tonight is precisely because of your family’s poverty.”

As they parted, she added, “Such casual encounters should not happen multiple times. I will come when it is appropriate, and no amount of coercion will work if it isn’t.” After that, whenever Gu Sheng encountered her and wanted to have a private conversation, the young girl would avoid him. However, when it came to household chores like mending clothes and cooking, she handled them all diligently, no different from a daughter-in-law.

The following evening, as expected, the young girl arrived, and they warmly embraced each other. Gu Sheng inquired about the young girl’s swordsmanship, and she replied, “This is not something you should know. You must keep it a secret, as revealing it could be detrimental to you.” Gu Sheng then brought up the topic of marriage, but the young girl said, “We have already shared a bed and performed household chores like fetching water and cooking. Isn’t that what a wife does? We are already a couple, so why talk about marriage again?” Gu Sheng asked, “Is it because you still think my family is poor?” The young girl replied, “Your family is indeed poor, but does that mean mine is wealthy? Our joyful meeting tonight is precisely because of your family’s poverty.”

As they parted, she added, “Such casual encounters should not happen multiple times. I will come when it is appropriate, and no amount of coercion will work if it isn’t.” After that, whenever Gu Sheng encountered her and wanted to have a private conversation, the young girl would avoid him. However, when it came to household chores like mending clothes and cooking, she handled them all diligently, no different from a daughter-in-law.

After more than a month, the young girl didn’t visit for several days, which made Gu Sheng’s mother worried that something might be wrong. She decided to go and check on her. The front door was tightly shut, and there was no sign of activity. Gu Sheng’s mother knocked on the door for a long time, and finally, the young girl, looking disheveled, opened the door and let her in. Shortly after, she immediately closed the door again. When they entered the inner room, they saw a crying baby on the bed.

Gu Sheng’s mother was surprised and asked, “How long ago was the baby born?” The young girl replied, “Three days ago.” When they picked up the baby and took a look, it was a boy with a broad forehead and a large face. Gu Sheng’s mother happily said, “You have already given birth to a grandson for me. But you are all alone and helpless; how will you make a living in the future?” The young girl said, “I dare not reveal my secret to you, Mother. Wait until late at night when it’s quiet, and then you can take the child with you.”

When Gu Sheng’s mother returned home, she told her son about the situation, and both of them were astonished. Later that night, they brought the child back home.

Several nights later, close to midnight, the young girl suddenly knocked on the door. She was holding a leather pouch and smiling as she said, “I have completed a significant task, and now I bid farewell.” Gu Sheng anxiously asked what had happened, and the young girl replied, “Your kindness in supporting my mother has been etched in my heart at every moment. When I said, ‘It can happen once but not a second time,’ my intention was not related to the intimate relationship between a man and a woman. Due to your family’s poverty and inability to marry, I intended to continue your family’s lineage, to carry on your legacy. Originally, I hoped that one encounter would result in pregnancy, but unexpectedly, my menstrual cycle returned, violating our agreement for a second time. Now, your family’s kindness has been repaid, and my own wish has been fulfilled. There is nothing left to regret.”

Gu Sheng asked, “What is in the pouch?” The young girl said, “The head of an enemy.” When she opened the pouch, they could see that the hair and beard were tangled, and it was a gruesome sight. Gu Sheng was so shocked that he almost fainted but managed to regain his composure and asked for the full story. The young girl explained, “I didn’t want to tell you in the past because I feared revealing the secret. Now that the major task is accomplished, there’s no harm in telling you the truth. I am originally from Zhejiang, and my father held the position of a magistrate. However, we were framed by our enemies, and our entire family was exterminated. I fled with my elderly mother, hiding our identities for three years. I couldn’t seek revenge immediately because my mother was still alive. After her passing and due to my pregnancy, I couldn’t fulfill my long-standing desire for revenge. The night I left was not for any other reason but because I was unfamiliar with the routes and feared making mistakes during the revenge mission.”

She continued, “I gave birth to a son. Take good care of him. Your fortune is limited, and your lifespan is not long, but this child can carry on the family name. It’s late now; don’t disturb my elderly mother any further. I must leave.” Gu Sheng was deeply distressed and wanted to inquire about her destination, but the young girl disappeared like lightning, and her figure could no longer be seen. Gu Sheng stood there, sighing and melancholic, as if he had lost his soul.

The next day, Gu Sheng told his mother about the events, and both of them could only marvel at the astonishing and puzzling tale.

Three years later, Gu Sheng did indeed pass away. When Gu Sheng’s son turned eighteen, he passed the imperial examination and took care of his grandmother until her final days.

The chronicler of strange tales said: “A person must have a female warrior at home before they can keep a male lover. Otherwise, if you associate with him, he may covet your wife.”














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