Settling Debts: A Tale of Generosity, Repayment, and Unexpected Surprises

Explore the story of Li Zhuoming's generosity, a debt owed, and a surprising twist in this timeless tale.

Li Zhuoming is generous by nature and willing to give. A fellow villager lived and worked in his house as a hired laborer. This person had been wandering around since childhood, was lazy by nature, refused to engage in farming, and was in poverty. However, he had some skills and often did odd jobs, and Li Zhuoming would often give him extra money. Sometimes in the morning when he had no rice to cook, he would beg Li Zhuoming for some grain, and Li Zhuoming would always give him one and a half sheng of it. One day, this person said to Li Zhuoming, “I receive your generous help every day, and my family of three or four people can barely avoid starving. But how can this continue for the long term? Can you lend me a stone of green beans as capital?” Li Zhuoming readily agreed and immediately ordered someone to give him the green beans. The fellow villager took away the green beans and more than a year later, he still hadn’t repaid anything. When asked about this matter, it was only then that it was realized that the capital of a stone of green beans had completely disappeared. Li Zhuoming felt pity for his poverty and just let it go, without seeking repayment.

Li Zhuoming studied in the temple. After more than three years, he suddenly dreamed that the fellow villager had come and said, “I owe the master green bean money and have come to repay it.” Li Zhuoming comforted him, saying, “If I want you to repay, how can we settle what you owe me normally?” The fellow villager, with a troubled expression, said, “That’s true. But generally, if a person has received thousands of taels of silver from others for something they’ve done, they can’t just walk away without repaying. If they’ve received assistance for no reason, they can’t even leave a single sheng of it unsettled, let alone owe so much!” After saying that, he left directly. Li Zhuoming woke up feeling even more confused. Not long after, his family reported to Li Zhuoming, “Last night, the mother donkey gave birth to a tall and big foal.” Li Zhuoming suddenly understood and said, “Could it be that the foal is that person?” A few days later, Li Zhuoming returned home, saw the little donkey foal, and jokingly called the person’s name. The little donkey foal ran to him as if understanding his words. From then on, Li Zhuoming called the little donkey foal by the name of that fellow villager.

When Li Zhuoming rode his little donkey to Qingzhou, the palace supervisor of Prince Heng’s mansion saw the little donkey and liked it very much, willing to buy it at a high price. Before the price could be negotiated, an urgent matter arose at Li Zhuoming’s home, and he had to return without further delay. A year later, the little donkey was tied together with a stallion in the same trough and had its leg bone bitten off by the stallion, making it incurable. A veterinarian came to Li Zhuoming’s house, saw the little donkey, and said to Li Zhuoming, “Please entrust the little donkey to me. I will treat and care for it day and night. Let’s wait for a while, and if there’s a chance to heal it, I’ll sell it and split the money with you.” Li Zhuoming agreed to his request. Several months later, the veterinarian sold the donkey for 1,800 coins and gave half of the money to Li Zhuoming. Li Zhuoming took the money and suddenly realized that this amount matched the price of the green beans. Ah, earthly debts must be repaid even in the afterlife. This serves as the best advice to all people.





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