Twin Lanterns: A Tale of Enigmatic Love and Parting

Explore the intriguing story of Wei Yunwang and the enigmatic young lady who appeared under twin lanterns on moonlit nights, their affection, and their inevitable parting.

Wei Yunwang, a native of Penduquan in Yidu, comes from a prestigious family. However, as his family’s fortunes declined, they couldn’t afford to continue his education. When he was in his twenties, he had to stop his studies and began working with his father-in-law in the wine business.

One night, Wei Yunwang was sleeping alone in the wine shop when he suddenly heard footsteps downstairs. He sat up in surprise, listening fearfully. The footsteps were getting closer, ascending the stairs and growing louder with each step. Before long, two maidservants holding lamps had arrived at his bedside. Following them was a young scholar leading a young lady, both of them approaching his bed with a smile.

Wei Yunwang was greatly astonished, and he thought they might be fox spirits. His hair stood on end, and he lowered his head, not daring to look directly at them. The scholar said with a smile, “You don’t need to be suspicious. My sister has a karmic connection with you from a past life, and she should serve you.”

Wei Yunwang glanced at the scholar, who was dressed in splendid attire, and felt ashamed of his own appearance. His face turned red with embarrassment, and he didn’t know how to respond. The scholar left the lamp and led the maidservants away.

Wei Yunwang carefully examined the young lady. She was charming and ethereal, like a celestial maiden. He was deeply fond of her but felt embarrassed and couldn’t utter playful words. The young lady looked at Wei Yunwang and said with a smile, “You’re not just a bookish scholar, so why do you exude an air of poverty?” She moved closer to the bed, placing her hand in Wei Yunwang’s embrace to keep warm.

Wei Yunwang finally smiled, adjusted his clothes flirtatiously, and became more intimate with her. Before morning’s bell had rung, the two maidservants came to escort the young lady away. They made arrangements to meet again at night.

When night fell, the young lady indeed appeared, smiling and saying, “How did such a lucky boy like you come by this fortune? Without spending a single coin, you have such a beautiful woman willingly coming to your door every night.” With no outsiders present, Wei Yunwang was delighted and set up wine for them. They drank, played guessing games, and the young lady won nine out of ten times. She then proposed, “Let me roll the dice, and you can guess. If you guess correctly, you win; if not, you lose. If you let me guess, you won’t have any winning moments.” They played as she suggested and had a joyful night.

Later, when it was time to sleep, the young lady said, “Last night, the bedding was cold and uncomfortable.” She asked the maidservants to bring the rolled bedding they had brought with them, spread it on the bed, and it was soft and fragrant. After a while, the two of them undressed, embraced each other, and the young lady’s rosy lips radiated an intoxicating fragrance. It was a level of tenderness that even the paradise of Emperor Han Chengdi couldn’t match. From then on, they were like this every day.

Half a year later, Wei Yunwang returned home. It happened to be a moonlit night, and he was talking with his wife beneath the window when suddenly he saw the young lady, dressed in splendid attire, sitting on the wall and waving at him. He approached, and she pulled him over, helped him climb the wall, and held his hand as she told him, “Today, we must part ways. Please accompany me for a few steps to signify the affection we’ve shared for the past six months.”

Wei Yunwang was surprised and asked for the reason. The young lady replied, “Marital destiny has its own preordained path, why speak more?” During their conversation, the two of them reached the outskirts of the village, where the maidservants with two lamps were waiting. They continued on to the South Mountain, ascended to a high point, and then bid farewell to Wei Yunwang. Unable to detain them, Wei Yunwang watched as their two lamps flickered in the distance, gradually fading away until they vanished. He returned home feeling gloomy and unsettled.

That night, the lights on the mountain were seen by all the villagers.





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