Judge Lu: Whispers of the Enigmatic Past

Explore the supernatural transformations and miraculous events surrounding Judge Lu in this intriguing folklore.

In Lingyang, there was a scholar named Zhu Erdan, whose courtesy name was Xiaoming. He had a frank and open-minded personality but was a bit foolish. Although he studied diligently, he had not yet gained much reputation. One day, his friends from the literary society gathered for drinks, and someone jokingly said to Zhu Erdan, “You have a reputation for being straightforward, right? If you dare to go to the Ten Kings’ Hall in the middle of the night and bring back the judge from the left corridor, we’ll all chip in to treat you.” It turned out that in Lingyang, there was a Ten Kings’ Hall in the underworld, where the gods and spirits were carved from wood and decorated vividly. In the east corridor, there was a standing judge, with his green face and fiery red beard, looking particularly fierce and ominous. Legend had it that one could often hear sounds of interrogation and torture coming from the two corridors at night, and those who visited here would often feel a chill down their spine. So, everyone decided to tease Zhu Erdan using this challenge.

Upon hearing this, Zhu Erdan laughed and got up, heading straight to the Ten Kings’ Hall. After a short while, they heard a loud voice from outside, “I have invited the great bearded master!” Everyone quickly stood up. In an instant, Zhu Erdan returned carrying the judge and placed him on the table. He raised his wine glass and toasted the judge three times in a row. Everyone looked at the judge’s appearance and was so frightened that they couldn’t even sit still. They hurriedly asked Zhu Erdan to take the judge back. Zhu Erdan spilled wine on the ground and respectfully prayed to the deity, “I was impulsive and disrespectful just now. The Grand Master should not take offense, I hope you won’t be confined to the realm of the living and the dead. My home is not far from here, you should come to my house for a drink while you’re in high spirits. I hope you won’t be limited by the boundaries between humans and spirits.” With that, he carried the judge away.

The next day, as expected, everyone invited Zhu Erdan to a feast. In the evening, Zhu Erdan returned home somewhat tipsy, his thirst for alcohol not yet quenched. He lit a lamp and began pouring himself more wine. Suddenly, someone lifted the curtain and walked in. To his surprise, it was the judge. Zhu Erdan quickly got up and said, “I must be in big trouble now! I must have offended you last night, and today you’ve come to execute me, right?” The judge, with a mouth full of thick beard, smiled and said, “No, that’s not it. I was invited last night with great kindness, and tonight, I happened to have some free time. I’ve come respectfully to fulfill your invitation as a man of talent.” Zhu Erdan was delighted to hear this, he pulled the judge’s sleeve and hurriedly offered him a seat. Then, he personally cleaned the cups and plates and lit the alcohol stove. The judge said, “The weather is warm; we can have some chilled drinks.” So, Zhu Erdan followed the order and stopped heating the wine, placing the wine bottle on the table. He quickly went to inform his family to prepare dishes and fruits. His wife, upon hearing this, became extremely fearful and begged her husband not to go out. But Zhu Erdan did not listen. He waited until everything was prepared as instructed by his wife, and then he came out with the dishes. They drank together, cup after cup. After a while, Zhu Erdan asked for the judge’s name, and the judge replied, “My surname is Lu, I have no given name.” They then discussed ancient classics, and the judge responded fluently. Zhu Erdan asked again, “Do you understand the art of writing in the Eight-Legged Essay?” The judge said, “I can distinguish beauty from ugliness and right from wrong. Studying and writing in the underworld is similar in principle to the mortal realm.” Judge Lu had a high alcohol tolerance and downed ten cups in one go. Zhu Erdan, who had been drinking all day, was now so drunk that he couldn’t hold himself up and fell asleep on the table. When Zhu Erdan woke up, he saw that the lamp was dim, and the ghostly guest had already departed.

From then on, Judge Lu would visit every two to three days, and their friendship grew even closer, sometimes sleeping side by side. Zhu Erdan would show his writings to Judge Lu, who would take up a red pen and make corrections, often saying that the writing was not good enough. One night, Zhu Erdan got drunk, fell asleep first, and Judge Lu continued to pour himself drinks. While Zhu Erdan was in a drunken stupor, he suddenly felt a slight discomfort in his internal organs. He woke up and saw Judge Lu sitting by the bed, dissecting him, meticulously rearranging his intestines and stomach. Shocked, Zhu Erdan asked, “We have no past grievances, no recent conflicts, why are you killing me?” Judge Lu smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I am replacing your heart with a wiser one.” He calmly put the intestines back into Zhu Erdan’s abdominal cavity, stitched it up, and finally wrapped it with a bandage around Zhu Erdan’s waist. After the surgery, there was no trace of blood on the bed, and Zhu Erdan only felt a slight numbness in his abdomen. When Zhu Erdan saw a piece of meat on the table, he asked what it was. Judge Lu replied, “This is your old heart. I noticed that you were not quick-witted in your writing, and your insights were blocked. I chose a brilliant heart from among thousands of souls in the underworld and replaced yours with it, leaving this one to fill the void.” With that, Judge Lu stood up, closed the door, and left. After dawn, Zhu Erdan removed the bandage and saw that the wound had already healed, leaving only a red line as a scar. From then on, Zhu Erdan’s literary skills greatly improved, and he never forgot anything he read. After a few days, Zhu Erdan showed Judge Lu an essay he had written. Judge Lu said, “This is well-written. However, your fortune is not great; you won’t become very wealthy. You’ll probably just become a scholar or a civil servant.” Zhu Erdan asked, “When will I pass the imperial examination?” Judge Lu replied, “You will undoubtedly take the top spot this year.” Soon after, Zhu Erdan achieved the highest score in the imperial examination. His classmates, who had often mocked him, were stunned when they saw his test paper. After inquiring about the details, they finally understood the strange events. They unanimously asked Zhu Erdan to introduce them to Judge Lu and expressed their desire to be friends with him. Judge Lu agreed to their request. They prepared a grand feast and awaited Judge Lu’s arrival. In the early hours, Judge Lu appeared, with his red beard fluttering, and his eyes shining like lightning. Seeing him, the guests were overwhelmed with fear, their faces pale, bodies trembling, and teeth chattering. Before long, one by one, they all retreated and left in fear.

Zhu Erdan invited Judge Lu to his home for a drink. As they became quite intoxicated, Zhu Erdan said, “I have already received a great favor with the heart transplant and abdominal surgery. However, there is one more thing I’d like to ask for your assistance with, if it’s possible. Would you be willing?” Judge Lu encouraged Zhu Erdan to speak his mind. Zhu Erdan said, “If hearts can be replaced, I presume faces can also be changed. My wife, she is my original wife, her body is quite attractive, but her facial appearance is not very pleasing. I was wondering if I could trouble you to perform another operation to improve her appearance. Would that be possible?” Judge Lu smiled and replied, “Very well, I will look for an opportunity to do so in due time.”

A few days later, in the middle of the night, Judge Lu came and knocked on the door. Zhu Erdan hurriedly got up to welcome him in, holding a candle to light the way. He saw that Judge Lu had something wrapped in his garment. When he asked what it was, Judge Lu replied, “The task you entrusted me with before was quite challenging to fulfill. Just now, I happened to acquire the head of a beautiful woman, and I’ve come respectfully to fulfill the request.” Zhu Erdan moved aside the wrapping to take a look, and the blood on the woman’s neck was still fresh. Judge Lu urged them to quickly enter the inner room so as not to disturb anyone. Zhu Erdan was worried that the inner room’s door might be locked, but Judge Lu approached it, pushed it gently, and the door opened. In the bedroom, they found Zhu Erdan’s wife sleeping on her side. Judge Lu handed over the beautiful woman’s head to Zhu Erdan, then took out a sharp dagger from his boot. He placed it against his wife’s neck, and with a single swift motion, her head rolled off like cutting tofu. It was done effortlessly. Judge Lu quickly took the beautiful woman’s head from Zhu Erdan, placed it on his wife’s neck, adjusted it carefully, and then sealed it in place. After finishing, Judge Lu stuffed the pillow beside his wife’s shoulder, instructed Zhu Erdan to bury his wife’s original head in a secluded place, and then he left. Zhu Erdan’s wife woke up later, feeling a slight numbness in her neck and her face dry and uneven. She rubbed her face and some blood clots fell off, which frightened her immensely. She immediately called for a servant to fetch water for washing her face. When the servant saw the bloodstains on her face, she was nearly terrified. As she washed her face, the basin of water turned red. When she lifted her head and looked into the mirror, she was in utter shock, not knowing what had happened. At that moment, Zhu Erdan entered the room and explained the situation to his wife. He carefully examined her and saw that her long eyebrows extended to her temples, and a pair of dimples appeared on her cheeks, making her look like a woman from a painting. When he unbuttoned her collar and examined her neck, there was indeed a red line scar around her neck, where the color of the flesh above and below the scar was distinctly different.

In earlier times, there was a daughter of an official in the Wu family who was exceptionally beautiful. She had been engaged twice, but both times, her prospective husbands died before the marriage could take place. Consequently, by the age of nineteen, she had yet to be married. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, during the Lantern Festival, she went to visit the Ten Kings’ Hall. At that time, the place was crowded with visitors, and among them was a scoundrel who became captivated by her beauty. He secretly found out where she lived and, under the cover of darkness, climbed a ladder and jumped over the wall into her courtyard.

He dug a hole outside the young lady’s bedroom and entered. There, he killed one of her maids who was by her bedside, and then he attempted to rape the young lady. She fought back desperately, shouting loudly for help, which agitated the scoundrel. In his panic, he killed the young lady as well. Lady Wu, the mother, vaguely heard the commotion and sent a maid to investigate. When the maid saw the corpses, she was filled with terror. This commotion woke up the entire household, and they placed the young lady’s body in the main hall, positioning her head near her neck.

The entire family, young and old, wept and mourned throughout the night. By the time morning arrived and they uncovered the sheet covering the young lady’s body, they found that her body was still there, but her head was missing. The master of the house punished all the maids, believing that their lax vigilance had allowed the young lady’s head to become the prey of wild dogs. Wu, the official, reported the heinous crime to the county magistrate, who ordered the constables to capture the culprit and solve the case. However, even after three months had passed, the murderer remained elusive.

The news of Zhu’s wife having her head swapped gradually reached the ears of Official Wu. Official Wu had his doubts about the matter and sent an old woman to inquire at Zhu’s residence. When the old woman saw Lady Zhu, she was so frightened that she turned and ran back to report to Official Wu. Official Wu, seeing that his daughter’s body was still intact, was both alarmed and suspicious. He couldn’t understand the situation and began to suspect that Zhu Erdan might have used sorcery to harm his daughter. Therefore, he went to Zhu’s house to question them about the matter.

Zhu Erdan told Official Wu, “My wife’s head was changed in her dream, and I truly don’t know how it happened. It’s a false accusation to say that I killed the young lady.” Official Wu didn’t believe him and reported the matter to the authorities. The authorities interrogated all the members of the Zhu family, and their testimonies matched what Zhu Erdan had said. The county magistrate couldn’t find any evidence to convict Zhu Erdan, so he had no choice but to release him.

Zhu Erdan returned and sought the advice of Judge Lu. Judge Lu said, “This matter is not difficult. I will have Official Wu’s daughter speak for herself.” That night, Official Wu dreamt of his daughter saying, “Father, I was killed by Yang Danian from Suxi, and it has nothing to do with Scholar Zhu. He once found fault with his wife’s appearance, so Judge Lu replaced my head with his wife’s. My body may be dead, but my head is still alive. I hope you won’t bear a grudge against the Zhu family.” Upon waking, Official Wu told his wife about the dream, and she had a similar dream.

Subsequently, Official Wu informed the authorities about the dream. After an investigation, they found a man named Yang Danian. He was apprehended and ultimately confessed to the crime. Official Wu then visited Zhu Erdan and requested a meeting with his wife. As a result, the two families became related by marriage. They buried Zhu Erdan’s wife’s head together with Official Wu’s daughter’s body.

Zhu Erdan had participated in the Ministry of Rites examinations in the capital three times but failed each time due to violating exam regulations. Consequently, he became disheartened with the path of becoming an official through examinations. This continued for thirty years until one evening when Judge Lu informed Zhu Erdan, “Your lifespan is not long.” Zhu Erdan inquired about the timeline, and Judge Lu told him he had five days left. Zhu Erdan asked, “Can you save me?” Judge Lu replied, “Everything is predetermined by heaven. How can people act according to their own wishes? Besides, for those who are enlightened, life and death are essentially the same. Why should we find joy in life and grief in death?”

Zhu Erdan found this reasoning quite profound. Therefore, he prepared the clothing, bedding, and coffin for his final moments. Once everything was ready, he dressed in his finest attire and passed away. The next day, as his wife was mourning by his coffin, Zhu Erdan suddenly appeared as if floating in from outside. His wife was extremely frightened, but Zhu Erdan said, “Though I am now a ghost, I am no different from when I was alive. I worry about you, a widow with an orphaned child, and I can’t bear to leave!” His wife was overcome with sorrow and couldn’t help but burst into tears, wetting her clothes. Zhu Erdan gently comforted and consoled his wife. She asked, “In ancient times, there were stories of the dead returning to life. Since you can manifest as a spirit, why not return to life?” Zhu Erdan replied, “Fate cannot be violated.”

His wife asked, “What are you doing in the underworld?” Zhu Erdan responded, “Judge Lu recommended me to handle literary matters there. I hold an official position and do not suffer.” His wife wanted to ask more questions, but Zhu Erdan said, “Judge Lu and I came together. You can prepare some food and drinks.” After saying this, he quickly left the house. Following his wife’s instructions, she prepared food and drinks. Laughter and merriment could be heard from inside the house, sounding just like when he was alive. When she peeked inside at midnight, the house was empty, with no trace of the two.

From then on, Zhu Erdan would return home every three to five days, sometimes staying overnight and taking care of household matters. Zhu Erdan had a son named Wei, who was only five years old. Each time he came home, he would hold his son. When his son reached the age of seven or eight, he would teach him to read under the lamplight. His son was quite bright, and by the age of nine, he could write essays. At the age of fifteen, he became a scholar, not knowing that he was a child who had lost his father. Over time, Zhu Erdan’s visits home became less frequent, occurring only once every couple of months.

One evening, Zhu Erdan came again and said to his wife, “Tonight, I bid you farewell forever.” His wife asked, “Where are you going?” He replied, “I have been appointed by the Heavenly Emperor to serve as Taihua Qing and will be posted to a distant land. There, the tasks are numerous, and the journey is long, so I won’t be able to return.” Mother and son both held Zhu Erdan, weeping bitterly. Zhu Erdan consoled his wife, saying, “Don’t be like this! Our son has grown into an adult, and the household can continue to sustain itself. There are no married couples who can remain together for a hundred years!” He looked at his son and said, “Be a good person and don’t ruin the legacy I leave behind. We will meet again in ten years.” With that, he walked straight out the door and disappeared without a trace.

One evening, Zhu Erdan came again and said to his wife, “Tonight, I bid you farewell forever.” His wife asked, “Where are you going?” He replied, “I have been appointed by the Heavenly Emperor to serve as Taihua Qing and will be posted to a distant land. There, the tasks are numerous, and the journey is long, so I won’t be able to return.” Mother and son both held Zhu Erdan, weeping bitterly. Zhu Erdan consoled his wife, saying, “Don’t be like this! Our son has grown into an adult, and the household can continue to sustain itself. There are no married couples who can remain together for a hundred years!” He looked at his son and said, “Be a good person and don’t ruin the legacy I leave behind. We will meet again in ten years.” With that, he walked straight out the door and disappeared without a trace.

One evening, Zhu Erdan came again and said to his wife, “Tonight, I bid you farewell forever.” His wife asked, “Where are you going?” He replied, “I have been appointed by the Heavenly Emperor to serve as Taihua Qing and will be posted to a distant land. There, the tasks are numerous, and the journey is long, so I won’t be able to return.” Mother and son both held Zhu Erdan, weeping bitterly. Zhu Erdan consoled his wife, saying, “Don’t be like this! Our son has grown into an adult, and the household can continue to sustain itself. There are no married couples who can remain together for a hundred years!” He looked at his son and said, “Be a good person and don’t ruin the legacy I leave behind. We will meet again in ten years.” With that, he walked straight out the door and disappeared without a trace.

One evening, Zhu Erdan came again and said to his wife, “Tonight, I bid you farewell forever.” His wife asked, “Where are you going?” He replied, “I have been appointed by the Heavenly Emperor to serve as Taihua Qing and will be posted to a distant land. There, the tasks are numerous, and the journey is long, so I won’t be able to return.” Mother and son both held Zhu Erdan, weeping bitterly. Zhu Erdan consoled his wife, saying, “Don’t be like this! Our son has grown into an adult, and the household can continue to sustain itself. There are no married couples who can remain together for a hundred years!” He looked at his son and said, “Be a good person and don’t ruin the legacy I leave behind. We will meet again in ten years.” With that, he walked straight out the door and disappeared without a trace.














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