
About this Website

Precisely, this website is about:

  • Ancient Chinese weird tales, mythology, folklores and SF
  • Strange and interesting stories I found in Chinese history

Resources collected, translated and edited mostly by myself.

*SF is an abbreviation for science fiction

About Myself

A mysterious person who reads and writes in shadows. Born in China. Majored in Literature and then switched to Science. Got my bachelor and master degree in one of the top universities in UK. Travelled and lived in many countries. Died twice in my life.

I am bereft when it comes to naming. The name, Wu Xing(省吾), which I made up when I read Confucius, comes from the line ‘I examine myself three times every day(吾日三省吾身).’

I love science, literature and history. One of the reasons I set up this website is because of my belief that people from different cultural backgrounds will finally understand each other one day. I am not certain whether I will be able to see that during my lifetime, but I feel the urgency of doing things to make it happen.


Currently I am doing this as a hobby alongside my fulltime job as a developer and my freelance job as a writer. Though all attempts are made to ensure regular updates, it maybe delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Mistakes can creep in at any time during the ‘Classical Chinese -> Modern Chinese -> English’ process happening in my brain.